Saturday, March 12, 2005

The accidental citizen soldier

I was surfing the web and found the following article about a Korean-American born in U.S. who was forced to serve in the Korean military.

“Young Jin Chun is an American by birth but he's been plucked by the South Korean army for a two-year stint.”

“In Chun's case, it appears a family member -- maybe his paternal grandfather or his father, who is divorced from Chun's mother and lives in South Korea -- entered his name in the nation's family census registry, the hojok.”

If you are a Korean-American male who was born in U.S., i.e. 2nd generation, make sure your name was not listed on the 호적(hojuk). If it was listed, make sure you go through your Consulate and erase your name from the 호적(hojuk) before you set foot on Korean soil.

You can read the full article here.


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